This post has zero value to you. If you’re looking for any sort of insight into society, life, whatever, you will not find it here.
This post is about the greatest damn cartoon ever.
In 1992 and 1993, King Arthur and the Knights of Justice aired on TV and it fucking ruled. I don’t remember what channel I saw it on, as I was only 8. But it made such a lasting impression on me that 30 years later I’m writing this love letter and sharing it to the world. So shut up and listen.
It was a cartoon about a football team sucked back in time to take the place of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. They fought the forces of evil using technology (rocket launchers on their horse’s armor) and magic (they could summon dragons). It had an epic solo guitar theme song. The bad guys also had magic and rocket launchers and what not. And then in season 2 there was a second set of bad guys because one group wasn’t enough.
Writing that paragraph just got me so jacked my heart is racing.
Let’s not worry about the plot. How did they have horses with rocket launchers? Why were these football players the ones chosen to replace Arthur? What happened to the original Knights of the Round Table? These are unimportant details that distract us from the real attraction. And that’s a bunch of knights fighting each other using missile launchers, swords, and magic.
Seriously, you should go watch this right now. I’ll wait.
Did you see the giant ram-shaped rocket? Excalibur magically come out of Arthur’s armor? The chariot that fires arrows? I can’t take it. The 8 year old in me is losing it.
This show is so crazy bonkers it goes past the realm of idiotic and swings back around to borderline genius. The creatives that thought this cartoon up clearly knew the formula for capturing the hearts of 8 year olds boys. I can only imagine what the brainstorming sessions for this show must have been like. Or the pitches they must have given to TV executives to be greenlit. This show set the bar for successful commercialization of little boy’s desires that wasn’t beaten until the Starship Troopers movie came out.
Somebody made a list of the 15 weirdest adaptations of the Arthurian legend and King Arthur and the Knights of Justice topped the list. And this list included a time-traveling Whoopi Goldberg, Spiderman, the Thundercats, and Monty Python (note to self: watch all of these).
Oh! And there was a video game too! I never played it and apparently it sucked, but whatever, my love remains undiminished. Just sit back and watch this in all its glory:
That’s it. That’s the blog post. I was explicit in there being no value. Just a guy writing about how badass a early 90s cartoon was.