awesome lifehacks!
check out this fantastic list of lifehacks for around the home and office!
Obviously a joke. People, please do not do any of those lifehacks.
While the address to this site promotes lifehacking, don't confuse the "7 quick lifehacks to brew your coffee quicker!" BS with what I'm talking about. Leadership and Lifehacking is about distilling principles and strategic guidance offered by the very best consultants, businessmen, and forward-thinking military leaders into clear objectives and actions, all within an eye towards getting more productivity in less time. It's about cutting the fat. Winning wars, not battles. Doing less better. That's the point of lifehacking - to focus on the stuff that actually gets you out of the office quicker. And while I admit that on occasion, I'll check out the odd lifehacking list about how to better organize my refrigerator, the majority of the people who consume those lists are missing the forest for the trees. As Ramit Sethi says, "losers love tactics". People soak up various tidbits of information, most of which they'll never actually apply, because it gives them the false sense of accomplishment. It shelters them from ever having to actually address the major issues at work because they wrongly think they're already ahead of the game.
Loser: "Look at me! I'm hacking my work by reorganize my sticky notes to maximize efficiency!"
Me: "Please kill me now."
It's not just about information, it's about execution. Sure, you've got to have guidance, and a clear destination in mind. That's just the beginning. Far more important is building the systems that ACTUALLY GETS THE WORK DONE. Don't become another "lifehacker" who just keeps bookmarking websites with a vague idea of someday, I'll totally do that stuff, I swear.